Friday, April 4, 2008

An End That is Not Beginning

It's funny (and perhaps sad too) that my life has become nothing more than just routine weekdays during which I long for my routine weekends. Ever since I take that first step into my car on a Monday morning, I start thinking about how many days are left till Friday when this week ends and the weekend begins. All through the week I have a subconscious countdown counting down the hours left until I make that final departure from my office building to end the week and begin the weekend. I think weekends are great. First of all, they are perhaps the only ends that actually have their own beginnings. And then I get two days off to sleep as late as I can, hang out late with my friends, and watch movies into the late nights until I fall asleep. I look forward to doing all these things throughout the week and never actually end up doing them over the weekend because something or the other other than something is happening. But that's ok because I still get those two days off of work, to which (have I mentioned it before?) I look forward to throughout the whole week.

So, you can well imagine my state of mind now that I have been working for 11 days straight without a single day off. Yes, all my dreams of enjoying my weekend last week were mangled, pulverized, rent, riven, ruptured, shredded, shattered, and smashed when I found out that I would have to work on Saturday and Sunday. Today is my 11th day at work without a break and it has been the longest week of my life.

Anyhow, my woes aside, have you all seen the new Rs. 20 banknote? I was under the impression that a new note was needed because many people were giving out Rs. 5000 notes to buy Rs. 5 worth of mint. This was because the new Rs. 5000 note looked very much like the now-old-but-the-then-new Rs. 20 note. I happened to perchance (yes, perchance) upon the new Rs. 20 today, and mazharfakhar (yes, mazharfakhar), it looks even more like the Rs. 5000 note than it did before! It's actually the same note, only they have changed the colors and added some fluorescent green here and a little 'peekish' red here. It now looks like a Rs. 5000 note that just came out of a bag of cotton candy.


Unknown said...

hahaha. That's a good one. "peekish red one"

Newyorkcitylove said...

that's very true. i have been counting every minute of every second of every day since monday for the weekend..but the sad part is im on this saturday , so ill just get a one day break..
i hate coming to work 6 days a week!:(